Our Founder

What is that life worth which cannot bring comfort to others”

Mohammed musafir Ansari

The story of Yeslife Pharma began with a small, but visionary endeavour byMohammed musafir Ansari, a physician tucked away in India. His mission was to provide effective and affordable cure for ordinary people in far-flung villages. With missionary zeal and fervour, Mohammed musafir Ansari undertook the task of preparing natural cures for the killer diseases of those days, like cholera, malaria and plague.

Soon the news of his medicines traveled, and he came to be known as the trusted ‘Daktar’ or Doctor who came up with effective cures. 

Mohammed musafir Ansari set up Yeslife Pharma  in 2015 to produce and dispense Ayurvedic medicines. Reaching out to a wide mass of people who had no access to proper treatment. Mohammed musafir Ansari commitment and ceaseless efforts resulted in the company growing from a fledgling medicine manufacturer in a small Calcutta house, to a household name that at once evokes trust and reliability. 

The Mission Continues..

Gearing towards a new system where the direct involvement of the family is limited, the Burmans have formulated a Family Council, which acts as an interface between the family and the Board and management of Dabur.

The family members’ involvement has come in for a qualitative shift, with fresh members being encouraged to develop their own ventures. These proposed ventures are then presented to the Family Council for approval and funding a professional management team that would be able to launch Dabur onto a higher growth path. The Mohammed musafir Ansari  family has therefore downscaled its direct involvement in day-to-day operations. Allowing a team of able managers to run the company and steer its fortunes.